Rotten rice of WFP

It is very interesting how and why the World Food Program (WFP) destroyed the o.16 million  KGs of rice that was stocked in its warehouse for the distribution to the earthquake victim families.  After the last years devastating earthquake there was a situation of hunger and crisis. WFP had stocked the rice for emergency use but now it is disposing the rice as it rotted away in its  warehouses . It was estimated that around 0.8 million families were in need of direct food supply  where food supplies after a year has been  disposed in the ground .

Why was the food not distributed then?

After the earthquake, it distributed some of its supply where there was a huge controversy regarding the rotten food supplies later it pulled back all the supplies and resupplied the people. Soon after that the rainy season started and the food supply started to rot due to climatic condition.

The WFP representative have claimed that  food supplies that rotted were destroyed.

If so then why didn’t they  distributed all the food supply at least it would have befitted the victim.
It is really sad how donor agencies neglect the aspect of utilization of resources.

I guess they only want reports and document where the payment and statistic data can be matched and facilitated.

This yet another example of  how donor resources are being ignored and wasted in the name of development. Today when donor agencies are talking of sustainable development goals actions like these certainly contradict the role and scope of SDGs. It most likely seems that donors like these are challenges not just for the  SDGs but for the path of development sector.