In current situation of political chaos the big political leaders are currently coming out and saying they have to obey Supreme Court’s verdict in getting out the constitution on time is fairly a question of judgment. Who would be dumb enough to accept and not contradict the fact that from the past 8 years people have been waiting for their constitution and one after the other, CA extension has been a political behavior of high level corruption and not a priority.

Publicity stunt or Politics whatever you call it but its reality. It has been happening here in Nepal as our political behavior does not make a politician responsible towards the country but it make a politician more responsible and aware towards his party and political agendas.

Reality of today is it’s the CA members and same constitution assembly that refused to accept the verdict of the supreme court in regards to Bal krishna  Dhungel and it’s the same CA chairman Mr Subash Nembang who refused to take any action against the verdict of supreme court


If they were that responsible, they would have certainly realized it 3 years back and taken out the constitution before the first extension.  From my point of view the political leader are just trying to stay safe with their image by saying hey I was also in support of bring the constitution out others were not and I had tried but they didn’t so it didn’t came out. It’s just the blame game that our politician have been playing and to make it worst I see a huge opportunity of outside forces like United states and India for playing their role to manipulates the vigilantes in griping their existence.

Apart from that I see a great threat of the Presidential rule being acted upon the country.  Time after time disobeying the Supreme Court questions the legality of its identity and law system practiced. When the top level political leaders don’t obey the prime authoritative body of law then the whole law system is challenged with the authority of bureaucracy Vs the legal system.

Regarding, the constitution, it’s all about opinions and verdicts. I see it as an understanding. If the political parties agree to make it 11 federal states it will be 11 and if they agree to make it 14 then it would be 14 so where is the problem. If you look closely at the present state practice by the Nepal government I mean to say the district system it’s also a unitary management system that is more or less similar to federal practice. Just like the federal system the chain of control is there the only difference is the authority and level of control.  The only difference is afterward in federalism state practice there would be secular states which would have individual government and more ministers and policies other than that everything would be the same.

The answer is simple why and how is the problem?

To make it more understandable, all the political parties are fighting for their existence. As in the federal practices the so called big political parties would have to divide their power upon smaller groups, their power and control of existence would be challenged in every possible way of survival with the small and local political parties.  It’s all about power sharing and tussles of power that is the reason why all the minorities group and parties have been supporting the secular federalism practice and all the major big parties have not been agreeing upon its state restricting design and its operation.

I ask, does an ordinary man care which federalism state he lives in or what name would it be. It barely matters for him till the time he feel secure, he has his rights sustained everything is okay with him. He should have his rights to earn his living and have his identity secured as a NEPALI, that’s what makes him happy and more than that it’s a waste of time for him.

Deadline of today, is we selected such incompetent, leaders who have no vision and who are self centered towards making the rich richer and the poor poorer. The gap between the haves and haves not has gone so much that the democratic practice in Nepal proves to be a completely failure.